Soap  dies supplier Eurostampi - Industrial soap moulds

Welcome - request information about our products

You can contact us at this email for any information on the molds we produce, prices, characteristics, shipping methods (we export to any country) and also show us an idea of soap that you want to produce, we will find together the best technical solution for the production, please in the mail indicates the name of your company and the country, you will receive an answer in a short time.

It is also possible to contact us for information by telephone during office hours from 08.00-12.00 and from 14.00-17.30 Italy UTC + 1

Tel. +39 0331 630410


  EUROSTAMPI Srl Via Firenze 1 21057 Olgiate Olona (VA) Italy -P.IVA 00302850128- Tel. +39 0331 630410. Fax +39 0331 631833
  Copyright photo ©Eurostampi srl all images are our property forbidden any use
  All names and trademarks belong to their respective owners